Seven Ways to Let Your Light Shine

Many Christians think the way to show our light is by simply being good and loving others. While this is a start, consider how many other religious people do the same thing. How does Christianity stand out from other world religions? It is simple. Jesus.

The following are some practical application ideas to get you started:

  1. Ask a non-believer how you can pray for them specifically.
  2. Follow up with that non-believer on their prayer request often and tell them you have been praying for them.
  3. When you are wrong in a situation, humbly apologize and ask them for forgiveness, but be clear that you are humbled by your own sin and how God has forgiven you. Colossians 3:13
  4. When someone has wronged you, pray blessings for them. Tell them you forgive them even if they have not asked for it, and even if you are still working through forgiving them. Let them know about how God has forgiven you. Matthew 5:44-45
  5. When someone tells you something hard they are dealing with, pray for them right at that moment. It could be online, in a text, or in public. Pray right away, with that person.
  6. Be a peace-maker rather than peace-keeper. Focus on resolving conflict in a loving and humble manner rather than a “I am right” manner. Find any area that you are culpable in and own up to your part in it. Share a supporting scripture verse or passage such as Romans 12:18.
  7. Seek ways to show humility. In today’s society, we all try our best to show a perfect life. Rather than show how perfect your life is, look for ways to show when you messed up and how God was the solution. Share your imperfections and allow God’s glory to shine brightly through.

Pick Up Your Cross

Matthew 16:24-26 tells us to deny ourselves, pick up our cross, and follow Jesus. I was recently asked in a group study “What practical ways can you “deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Jesus” in your life today?”

This is tough because this question often falls back on how we may have culturally read this verse. Something along the lines of being less selfish and consider what things you might sacrifice. Some people may even associate it with giving up pleasures or vices.

We always need to remember to read scripture first in its original context. The phrase “pick up your cross” in todays language might read something like “pick up your electric chair”.

The cross was a symbol of death – more specifically death row. So when the readers of that time read this sentence it had a much heavier weight.

Basically if you are to follow Christ, you are willingly going on death row. You are saying you are no longer your own. You die so Christ can live in you. “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.”

Be blessed today as you meditate on what it means for you to personally pick up your cross and follow Jesus!

Be the Pebble

Have you ever had a conversation with someone that was one sided? The person is so eager to get their point across that they simply make it impossible for you to respond. When you put a boulder in someone’s shoe, it stops them completely so there is no contemplation other than to remove it and disregard it. When you put a pebble in their shoe, they will most likely continue on, and work through their thoughts about that pebble.

How can you be that pebble? What is a positive witness? How does this look in today’s world? How can we share the good news of Jesus so well that people will actually respond positively?

It took me a while to understand this, as I was often “throwing pearls before swine” on social media as well as trying to talk to those I love about Jesus only to have my words land flat and ineffective.

Being bold with strangers can be easy. Being bold with loved ones may break that relationship. People respond to those they know, like, and trust. When you share the gospel with a friend or family, are you someone that they like and trust?

Here is a good way to navigate who to continue with and who to stop: are they interested at all?

When sheep are grazing in the field, there are often multiple herds grazing together. Even when they are all mixed up with other herds, any particular herd knows when it is time to go based solely on the voice of their shepherd. It is the same with people and Jesus. Those that are His will hear the call when it is time. They will hear His voice and follow Him. All you need to do is share with anyone and you will know. They will be interested or they will not.

This helps me know when to keep going and when to stop. Forcing Jesus down people’s throats never goes over well and only gives Christianity a black eye. Place pebbles in people’s shoes and love them well.

Jesus Clubbing

Have you ever been clubbed by someone regarding their opinion? They come out of no where and club you over the head (aka aggressively share their thoughts) regarding some controversial subject like vaccines, wearing masks, abortions, global warming, and any other topic that polarizes society. Has anyone who has argued with you over an issue ever won you to the other side? Probably not.

When you club someone over the head with Jesus, they tend to not respond well. How can you master the art of persuasion?

From a secular standpoint, Harvard Business Review posted an article by Jay A. Conger titled The Necessary Art of Persuasion, where Jay states:

Effective persuasion involves four distinct and essential steps. First, effective persuaders establish credibility. Second, they frame their goals in a way that identifies common ground with those they intend to persuade. Third, they reinforce their positions using vivid language and compelling evidence. And fourth, they connect emotionally with their audience. As one of the most effective executives in our research commented, “The most valuable lesson I’ve learned about persuasion over the years is that there’s just as much strategy in how you present your position as in the position itself. In fact, I’d say the strategy of presentation is the more critical.”

How do we translate this to a Biblical world view?

  1. Establish Credibility
    Do you know the gospel message?
    Are you well versed in understanding the Bible?
    Does the person you are talking to see your life in light of Christian values?
    Does the person know, like, and trust you before you try to persuade them?
  2. Common Ground
    Have you asked them what they believe?
    Can you identify with their concerns and objectives?
    Did you, at one point, feel the same way?
  3. Use Stories
    People connect with stories rather than data and facts.
    Share your testimony.
    Share other’s testimonies.
    Relate the gospel message with storytelling in mind.
  4. Connect Emotionally
    Your ability to match the emotional state of the person you are talking to is crucial.
    How empathetic are you? (Can you share the feelings of the other person?)
    What are their fears that you can connect with?
    People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.

No one is naturally great at sharing the gospel perfectly. Some may be great at debating, others amazing at simply talking to people, while most of us flounder our way through the gospel once or twice only to give up and use the excuse that you will leave gospel-sharing to those who are gifted in that area, like pastors. Gospel-sharing is not a gift. Gospel-sharing is quite literally non-negotiable if you are a Christian. It is THE one thing Jesus commissioned us with. We are to go and make disciples.

We must practice if we are to get better. No one learned how to play the piano in a day. It takes time, repetition, and commitment. You must DECIDE you are going to practice. You must KNOW the gospel message inside and out. You must PRACTICE sharing the gospel. You must COMMIT to this practice without fear. Remember, this will take time and effort. John Maxwell said it best: “Everything worthwhile in life is all uphill.” This, my friend, is the MOST worthwhile endeavor you can embark upon!

Prepare the Way

In Matthew 3 we see John the Baptist preaching the word, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” He was considered the one Isaiah spoke about when he prophesied a voice crying in the wilderness “Prepare the way of the Lord”.

How are we, as Christians, to also prepare the way of the Lord? I believe this is speaking to how we are to share the gospel with others. It’s easy to do all the things that check the boxes of Christianity like read the Bible, pray, go to church, but the difficult part is the prep work required for us to be the salt and light of the world. (Matthew 5:13-16)

Salt is a preservative. How am I preserving the gospel message on a daily basis? Not only preaching it to myself, but also preaching it to those around me? John the Baptist “prepared the way of the Lord” by telling everyone and anyone who would listen to repent! 

We are to be the light. Light illuminates the darkness yet also helps show the way. We are called to “go and make disciples”. This is the great commission. The Bible does not tell us to sit in our cozy homes and just pray for people. Beautiful are the feet of those that bring good news. (Isaiah 52:7)

How are you preparing the way of the Lord today, tomorrow, and this week?

Biblical Foundations

We will be working through “Biblical Foundations” in the month of February. This is a Bible study for groups or one-on-one discipleship. If you would like to follow along, you may join our women’s only Roots & Fruits group on Facebook at

Download the study here:


Every year at this time we set out to change things for next year. What goals have you set in place? How long do you think you can keep them going?

In order to make a true shift in your ability to make something actually happen, you must commit by changing or updating your identity. The number one goal we should all have this year is to get a few steps closer to Jesus. Our whole world becomes clearer and calmer when we abide in Jesus and His Word abides in us!

Who are you? What is your identity? If your identity is found in Jesus, then let the following five commitments be our battle cry this year:

  1. I am committed to having a “learner’s spirit” (a desire to learn Jesus).
  2. I am committed to examine my life honestly in light of the Bible only and not the world.
  3. I am committed to comparing myself to the Bible rather than to others.
  4. I am committed to obeying God, in all circumstances.
  5. I am committed to Biblically prepare myself for trials and tribulation this year and learn through them as I lean on the Word of God. 

With these five commitments in mind, our one, over-arching commitment should be to read the Bible often and thoroughly. Be blessed through God’s love letter to you!

Clean Your Lens with the Gospel

We go about our lives mostly on autopilot. Life consumes us. Life beats us down. We often become tired, annoyed, restless, anxious, and even depressed when we do not view life through the lens that God has desired for us. Somehow our lens has gotten foggy and distorted with images of self, desire, pride, people-pleasing, control, and any other world-view that eagerly fights for a spot on that lens. How do we wipe away that lens so we can see clearly? The gospel.

Why is the gospel message so important?

It is our hope, our redemption, our purpose, our lens cleaner.

Get to know the gospel. Memorize it. Preach it to yourself. Share it with others… often!


God created the world – He created you and me too! As Creator, He is in charge of everything and everyone. He made us to be holy, as He is holy. Sin entered the world through Adam and Even with the deception of Satan. The sin is now in every human and is our nature. Sin separates us from God and deserves ultimate punishment – death. Jesus, God in the flesh, came to earth and lived a perfect life that we should have, a holy life, died the death that we deserved due to our sin, and rose again to eternal life. We may have reconciliation to God and eternal life with Him through hearing the Father’s call and giving our life to Jesus by putting our entire trust, faith, and hope in Him as our Lord and Savior. This means being obedient to His commands as seen in His Word, the Bible, and trusting His will and plan for our life over our own.


  • God is the Creator
  • God is holy
  • Sin separated us
  • God is a just God
  • God is a loving God
  • Jesus is the way
  • We must repent
  • God gave mercy and grace
  • We must have faith
  • Christians gain eternal life with Jesus


God is the Creator
See Genesis 1:1, John 1:3, Colossians 1:16, and Revelation 4:11.
He created everything, the world and people, to be perfect and without sin.

God is Holy 
See 1 Peter 1:16, 1 Samuel 2:2, and Revelation 4:8.
God is holy, which means set apart or without sin. He created us to be holy, too.
We can only be with God if we are holy like He is.

Sin Separated Us
See Romans 5:12-14, Isaiah 59:2, and Romans 3:23.
Sin entered the world through Adam and was passed down to us. Apart from Christ, sin is now our nature and manifests in our selfish desires and motives. This makes us unholy and separates us from God.

God is a Just God 
See Romans 6:23, Romans 5:12, and James 1:15.
The consequence of our unholy sin nature is death.

God is a Loving God
See John 3:16, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, and 1 John 4:8.
God loves us so much that He sent Jesus to pay the price for us by dying on the cross.

Jesus is the Way 
See 1 Peter 2:22, Matthew 14:33, 2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, and John 14:6.
Jesus, fully God and fully man, is God’s only Son who lived a perfect life, died on the cross for our sins, and rose again. He is the only way to salvation.

We must Repent
See 1 John 1:9, Acts 3:19, and Ephesians 1:7.
We are to ask for forgiveness and turn away from sin and toward Jesus.

God Gave us Mercy and Grace 
See Ephesians 2:4-9, 1 Peter 1:3, 2 Chronicles 30:9b, and Daniel 9:9
God gives us mercy and grace. Mercy is not getting what we deserve, punishment in hell. Grace is getting something we don’t deserve, treasures in heaven.

We must have Faith  
See Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 10:9-10, and Romans 10:17.
We are to give our lives fully to Jesus and trust only in Him for our salvation.

Christians Gain Eternal Life with Jesus
See Revelations 21:4, Luke 23:43, Matthew 6:19-21, John 14:2, and Ephesians 2:6-7.
We will live forever in Heaven with Jesus in our resurrected, perfect bodies where there is no more pain and there is only perfect harmony with Jesus.

Purpose, Passion, and Peace

How do you live your life? What do you think about most? What do you think about when you think about God?

A.W. Tozer said that what you think about God is the most important thing about you. While that statement is true, a better thought, in my opinion, was said by C.S. Lewis and says what God thinks about you is infinitely more important.

There are two responses to how we live our lives.

Our vertical response and our horizontal response.

Our vertical response is how we were created in light of our relationship vertically, up to God. Our horizontal response is how we were created in light of our relationships horizontally, out to others. The simple answer is usually the most easy to understand, is often the most practical, and usually the hardest to follow.

VERTICAL – You are intended to WORSHIP God.

HORIZONTAL – You are intended to HELP other humans.

As a woman, you are intended to help. Not everyone all the time, but specific people for specific seasons. As an individual, your job is to bring glory to God. As a wife, your roll is to be a helper to your husband. As a mother, your job is to help raise your children to glorify God. As an adult daughter, your job is to help and honor your aging parents. As a friend, your job is to help carry your friends burdens.

Are you overwhelmed yet by that long list? Being a helper is a lot of work. My goal is to try to help you become the best at giving glory and worship to God first and knowing exactly how to be the best helper to others in your life without completely overwhelming yourself. I want you to know when it’s time to say yes and time to say no. I want you to know that every need that people present to you is not always a calling from God. I want you to know that it is OK and necessary to keep a lot of white space on your calendar rather than filling it up with things that may not matter 100 years from now.

Are you ready to find out God’s foundational plan for you? Are you ready to be full of purpose, passion, and peace? Are you ready to stop caring about what the world thinks your purpose should be and focus on God’s perfect plan? Are you ready to rest in that gorgeous plan that is already spelled out for you in the Bible?

I pray that this blog will help you to lean more fully on the Holy Spirit, follow more fervently Jesus’ example, and rest more abundantly in God’s plan.

An Excellent Wife

What have we become? Overwhelmed. Worrisome. Riddled with anxiety. I had thoughts of becoming an excellent wife as a young girl. Like the descriptions in the Bible – a wife who is regarded as “more precious than jewels” and praised by her husband, who is strong, smart, generous, skilled, dignified, wise, kind, full of hope, without fear of the future, and without worry. This describes the women of long ago. These are the women we are supposed to emulate. What happened? How did we veer so far off course?

I remember watching my son focused as he worked, masterfully creating and artfully building, snapping one LEGO piece together with another. I often wondered what he was creating and how it was to be used.

What is my purpose? Why was I created? Amidst a myriad of worldly reasons, the roll of women has been battled and argued, seemingly won at times, only to find more confusion and frustration arise from within the human ranks as history speeds on. To obtain a correct view of our purpose we must take several large steps back and ask ourselves Who created us and what was the Creator’s intentions.

You would probably find it comical, if not outright frightening, if your child’s LEGO creation stood up and boldly proclaimed its autonomy with an inherent right to decide for itself its purpose. I can almost hear what my child’s respond would be as he corrects his creation and decides to change mid-play its intended use, or chooses to smash it to pieces in order to build it up as something wholly different.

Why is this any different with the Almighty Creator of the universe in regard to us? Just because we have will, conscience, and seeming autonomy, the fact of the matter is, we have a purpose that was already determined. All we need to do is understand two specific intentions as put forth by our Creator.

Why were YOU created by God?